25 November 2012

Brisbane to Dubai...

Well we are on our way now, Paul was body searched on our way through security, the officer told me I would be traveling alone, then Paul walks out laughing saying its all part of the experience, yes he is still coming on the trip. Paul likes to be funny!!!

Leaving Brisbane Airport

When we were boarding, I was amazed at the size of the plane. The wings were just so long and the engines massive. We went on a Boeing 777, knowing that the next plane we get is even bigger A380. Can't wait to see that plane upstairs deck as well and Paul's favourite on this flight is of course the free beer! Food was very tasty, just a very long long long flight. I thought wow the first hour passed so quickly watching out my window. I have managed to get a little sleep on the plane. Paul on the other hand has watched nearly 15hrs of movies. Thankfully, we had 3 seats to ourselves so we made (well really I made) the most of it, stretching out. Once we reach Dubai, we'll still have 10 more hours until we reach Paris.

With about 1hrs sleep on our nearly 15hr flight, I was amazed at how quickly I came to life once we seen the twinkling lights of Dubai.

They certainly do things on a grand scale over here. I noticed the street lined with cars for miles & miles. I am a little scared taking photos in the airport, so this is a good as it gets for now.

Shell at Dubai Airport

Paul at Dubai Airport

At Dubai airport and Paul's already experienced international loo's, he got confused and walked out... lol.


  1. Hi Michelle
    Love the pics and I think I'm almost as excited as you!!!!! It's a huge airport isn't it!
    Oh by the way love the red cardi! LOL

  2. Thanks Tracy well if you like my red cardi, then you going to love my red jacket......got a red beret for Paris. Must go got to board for Paris whohoooo....

  3. Aaahhhhh Michelle I am so excited for you!! Amazing that you only had one hour sleep on the plane and u were fine - you must be running on a lot of adrenalin and excitement!! I love being able to follow your trip on here so please keep the posts coming! :) Em

  4. Thanks Emma thrilled that you are following....I am so glad you told me about the neck pillows as they are a must 4 sure!!!!
