22 December 2012

Back to Economy & Reality......

Well we didn't get any upgrades for our final leg, back to reality & sitting in economy. With our eyes hanging out of our heads after being up for over 24 hours & a 16 hour flight ahead of us, we board the plane. Only to be held up on the Tarmac for another hour before we take off... Yippee 16 hours pass & we touchdown in Brisbane at 7am awake for some 39 hours... Off to baggage claim for the last time, I said to Paul I have tea bags to declare so I will go ahead & see you on the other side. Well Paul collected his suitcase & went through customs & is awaiting for me, he sees another passenger exit with their duty free shopping... He panics as he completely forgot it!!! He walks back in to the customs area & asks an officer for his duty free, the reply was sorry mate you've exited & will not be going back in, go to the 4th floor for a refund!!! Lucky I didn't forget, but I was held up by customs officers saying this is too much booze for one person... I explained to them that I had lost my husband...lol. I had 3 officers looking for him, in the end I didn't have to pay tax as they believed my story of my lost husband! So in the end all of our luggage & duty free made it back with us & it all worked out in the end.


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