6 December 2012

The things that happened & we saw along the way.....

As we walk the streets of London I am amazed by the shop window displays, they are showcases, with every little detail just stunning. Not like the giant posters we (Australia) seem to do. This seems to be with most shops from the top end to the more affordable end......

A typical shop window....

So as we head off to London Tower a gentleman stops & says he needs to have a picture with me. I was shocked by this request,so as he held me in tight (note hi fingers digging into my arm) & kept saying to the lady taking the picture " just one more, just one more). Paul decided to take a pic as well. Paul couldn't stop laughing he found this very funny, me on the other hand still can't believe why he wanted a picture with me.

Me & some random.....

This is my "PASTIE TANTIE" you see as we left the Roman Bath I got sidetracked taking more pictures. Paul went & got some lunch, a couple of £4 pasties yuk, & yep he got one for me.....I have been watching what I eat & trying to be good, closing my eyes when I have a treat just here & there....lol. So when Paul gives me this massive pastie, I well let's just say, Paul knows never to buy me a pasty ever again..... So a half pound of Pasty that cost £4 or $6.14 Australian was chucked in the bin....lol I hope this makes you giggle as I am only laughing about this now.....

Worth getting side tracked....
These are wild pigeons, that I guess love the colour silver.....


  1. Hi Michelle...it's me, the hotel now has free wifi! Love the pics and the tale of the pastie!
    You're like me how you attract strangers!!!Scott said in China they want to take pics with him as he's a westerner!
    You have seen so many things, Mum has one of your Christmas shots on her desktop and was wondering how the Budster is doing as he batches with Josh?

    1. They seem to have such large portions here, everything is just on a large scale when it comes to meals, that's for sure. As for the Budster Josh says he is fine, got a email from our neighbour saying they could still hear him, so that's a bonus.
      Glad you have free wifi, like getting your comments.

      Enjoy your break chat soon

  2. Forgot to say I love the pink pic of the shop window too!

    1. Yes I love the pink window as well......so many colours in each window. Just stunning......

  3. I had heard about shop windows before, the woman I walk with, her brother was a window dresser and he used to do quite a bit in London. First time I have seen one so thanks for that. I reckon your new found boyfriend wanted to send pictures of you to his family at home and say this is the woman I am dating and wish to marry. Lots of love Mum and Dad xxx

    1. Yes well I tell you he had a firm grip & made sure he got about 20 shots to be sure.....oh if only it was George Clooney......I would have stayed all day....lol

  4. he thinks u someone famous , lap it up ol miss you love leanne xoxo

    1. I still can't believe that guy.......since then other stuff has happened to me........Paul still laughs about it.
