14 December 2012

Venice to Florence.....

So as we say bye to Venice & travel by train for 2 hours to Florence. We arrive at Florence & we both just love it here. Such a pretty place, just so laid back expect for the traffic, just like Paris crazy driving skills tight squeezes but again some how it just seems to work.

Our room is amazing very nice indeed, heaps of room to move, & a bath that is so big & nice.....

So we drop off our luggage & head out, at the end of the street is a massive Christmas tree & The Church of Santa Maria Del Fiore.

We strolled the streets for hours just looking at different things, such a pretty pretty place.....

Off to the Panoramic Observation Deck for a drink & some pictures, we also had dinner up there. After dinner we went back out & looked at the city of a night, so pretty all decked out for Christmas. It is cold here but not as cold as it was in Venice.....

We watch the sunrise over Venice one last time.....

We arrive in Florence....

Street Markets.....

View from the Panoramic deck.....

All ready for Christmas.....

Christmas lights up & ready......


  1. Hi Shell & Paul,
    it is indeed a beautiful city xmas lights look amazing as so do you both, a trip of a life time and magical pics,all good.
    love Mum & Pop xxxxx

    1. We are having a great time, I don't even know what day it is some days.....have to check on my iPad.
      Paul is counting down sleeps to we see Josh & Buddy, missing them heaps!!!!

      Love Shell & Paul xoxoxo

  2. Hi Michelle, love the Duormo (hope that's correct spelling) picture. Stephen went to the top and took some great pics, lots of steps but worth it! Lovely night time pics, they always look lovely!

  3. Hi Tracy well i am not sure if I am going to the top yet.....We have climb so many steps on these holidays...
    I cant believe how much warmer it is in Florence compared to Venice. I do love this place I will be back here for sure.

    Oh love Max's christmas pic....Buddy will have to get on to his christmas pic for this year..

    Cheers Michelle
