9 December 2012

Waking up in Winter Wonder Land......

Wow wow wow.....so we finally made it.....got to our hotel at 1am, long day. My last words were feels like I am sleeping on a cloud, the bed was so nice & comfy. I woke up during the night & looked out of our doors at the balcony, I said " it's snowing" I could see the snow falling. So we have breakfast, this was truly spectacular chandeliers everywhere & silver cutlery that was so shinny it was like a mirror. This place is a Palace, I feel like a princess here. The bathroom is wall to floor marble & room to move...

Lake view from our room......

We have fallen in love with Montreux & Gstaad what a magical place this is. This is the highlight of our trip....just magical, this should be on your bucket list if you haven't been!!! As we board 1st class on the train heading up to Gstaad, we move out from Montreux (500metres) and its all ooh's & aaaar's & wow wow wow!!! Every where you look left & right, up & down its a post card views!!! Our horror day yesterday is now a distant memory. We are definitely coming here for a winter sooner rather than later & a summer too so we can soak up the views for all seasons as this place has touched us both.

We played in the snow like little kids who went to the snow for the first time, all the snow you see only fell in the last three days, so the timing couldn't have been better! The cold here is a dry cold- much easier to bare rather than the damp bitter cold of London, yet there is tonnes of snow here??? Anyways, on the way up the Alps, the ticket inspector checked & marked our "reservation ticket" & on the return trip they looked at our rail reservation again and didn't clip it!!! $164 (not charged for) return trip for 2 well deserved after yesterday's debacle & did it in 1st class. Today we had soooo much fun & really fell in love here, the people, the scenery, I understand why so many multi millionaires have property here in the Riviera. It was nice watching snow falling, so pretty & magical..... The only disappointing thing about today is, it will come to an end. The bright news is we will be on our way to Venice in the morning, again in 1st class, the rail travel is so much more enjoyable & relaxing over flying. A new chapter in our travels await us.

Panoramic view of Gstaad.....

How pretty is this Church?......

Just magical......

Just like a Ginger Bread House.....

So much fun...

Having fun in the snow.....

Having the best time ever.....

What are you going to do with that.....

Still smiling....

Well I think our smiles say it all.....the best day ever!!!!!


  1. Wow.............is definitey the right word Michelle, just absolutely beautiful. I remember Montreux now. It is where they hold the jazz festival every year. It sure looks different in winter. We went through it in May. Love Gstaad. It is on my bucket list now. Glad to hear your plane flight turned out in the end. It sure was worth all of the worry. Can't wait to see what you discover next.

    1. This was a very magical day for sure, we both loved it so much.....
      I will be back here for sure, this is my highlight so far for sure.
      Off to Venice now.....

  2. What a beautiful place!!! Love love love the pics! It's so pretty, the panorama is fantastic! I think I might have to go there too!!!!!!!

    1. Tracy you must make this one of your future destination as it is just magical......
      The views amazing.......

  3. Hi Michelle and Paul
    I have been waiting for you to make your way to Montreux and to travel up to Gstaad. I am so glad that these magical places have helped you smile again after your adventure leaving London.
    I always loved catching the train up to Gstaad, it didn't matter what time of the year it was I was always blown away by the beauty and serenity. I love that such small places with little to offer but their sheer beauty can leave you feeling invigorated and peaceful all at the same time.
    How lucky for you to have all of that wonderful snow to play in :O)
    Looking forward to reading more about your adventures.
    Safe Travels

    1. Hi Cathy
      Your name was gold yesterday that's for sure, I kept saying to Paul everyone needs a "Cathy touch" in their holidays!!!!!
      This was a very magical day for us both, just like 2 kids at Christmas, thank you so much for your suggestion. We wished we had longer here. Packed & ready for Venice, hopefully all we be drama free...lol

  4. I didnt get much sleep last night worrying about you being stuck in London. It was just wonderful to get your blog this morning. You're smiling faces says it all, Paul I think we will do Gstaad vicariously through you two as (a) I couldn't handle the cold and (b) the long plane trip would kill me. It is so nice to share your holiday with you. I feel sorry that June cant be on this ride with you.
    Take care Mum and Dad XXXXX

    1. Well that makes 3 of us getting no sleep...lol
      But it all worked out in the end :)

  5. Hi Shell & Paul,
    what a wonderland indeed,I have the best desktop backgrounds ever they look simply stunning,enjoy your adventures as i have never seen two people looking so happy and content with life lugs yu both.

    Mum & Pop xxx

  6. Off to Venice now......whoo hoo
