20 December 2012

Long Road to Ruins & Rome 2 Home.....

Day 4 in Rome, our last full day in Rome, gosh I can't believe its our last night of our holidays. We have had so many wonderful memories & laughed so much along the way, it has been great....

So today we went back to Trevi Fountain too toss more coins in the fountain, yes we are made of money...lol. We have been there everyday & I get amazed at no matter when you are there, the crowds are always there. I noticed yesterday there was a free piccolo (small) shuttle bus that runs every 7 minutes, so we jumped on & went around the city looking around. We jump off & take a look at some shops, & have lunch. After lunch Paul wants to see the Mausoleum of Augustus, this is were Paul thought Julius Caesar's tomb was......It turns out that Paul can't use google for maps or information....lol. In fact it took us about a hour to get there & another 20 min bus ride home. Only to see fencing erected all around the site...yay.

Paul's must see....Mausoleum of Augustus......

A view through the wire....

What do you mean oops you got it wrong.... he's not here!!!!!

I don't know how these little buses squeeze through the little lane ways, they are so tight, I am sure we saw a lady's ash from her cigarette get knocked off from the bus as it passed her, thats how close they get, seriously it was that close!!!

My tip for Rome is don't assume that cars will stop for you at a pedestrian crossing...cause they just don't....
Paul's tip for Rome is when walking the lane ways & side streets stay close to the walls....

Icing on the cake cam still have money left over.....nice!!! Duty free here we come....

So I thought I would share a couple of Christmas Shots from Rome.....Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year...

Santa I will be home for Christmas...

Pine Cones hanging in the trees.......

Nativity Scene on the Spanish Steps.....


  1. Hi Michelle
    I have so enjoyed watching your trip via the blog...it's been great with lots of wonderful pics and laughs!!! It seems like you have both had the best time which is what it's all about!!! I can hear Snapfish rubbing their hands together with glee!!! LOL Lots of canvasses and books to come!
    Can't wait till you get home again!
    Trace x

    1. Your right about snapfish, can't wait to start ordering. We both really enjoyed this trip that's for sure & to get upgraded to Business Class was the icing on the cake for us. Tracy I truly can't thank you enough for getting me started with blogging, what a great memory we have...I am replying to your comment while we are flying how crazy is that. I can't believe I have business class pics as well & videos I am sure they know its my first time flying business class by the amount of pics I am taking lol

    2. Oh did you like the pic of me pulling my hair out .....Paul said you won't post that, I told him its all apart of the experience & with Paul's directions I got a lot of experience pulling my hair out lol, but I wouldn't change anything.

  2. Of course.......laughed heaps, fantastic comedy shot!!!!! You're a great team you two!!!
    I have to order some pics and perhaps a book or canvas too but just haven't got around to it yet. It's such a busy time of the year, my favourite time though!
    Can't wait till you're home again!!! I'll see what you're like at tea making LOL
